2017年11月5日 星期日

歡迎加入Feuille food Lab 的計畫

公關企劃、專業文案餐廳經理服務人員、廚師廚助實習生 工作地點在台中,履歷與詢問請寄:feuillefood@gmail.com

頂級餐飲人才養成徵選計畫 即將開啟

”Feuille” is not a restaurant, at least not conceptually and certainly not in the conventional sense. We do not have fixed business hours and our operations divide between the service and the research and development for the menu. It is our belief that dining should not be only about satisfying our appetite, but also as an overall immersive experience for other sensory organs; dining should be as fun as entertainment analogous to watching a film or a musical while enjoying the conceptual symmetry of indulging other senses in popcorns, a glass of bubbly, or a rich and decadent ice cream.

We have enjoyed being outdoors, learning, growing and foraging these plants and it is where we draw the inspirations for our dishes and it is also our objective to eventually grow our own vegetables in the vegetable garden. We strive to minimize our impact on the environment by reducing food wastage and using as many locally sourced ingredients as possible to minimize our carbon foodprints.
Feuille isn't all just about researching and developing the dishes, but how to choreograph the overall dining experience weights heavily on our minds as well. It has never been simply about filling up the glasses to the correct level when empty or delivering the plates to the guests at the precise moment or anticipating the guests' needs before they make a request, but rather how to bridge and convey those silent stories, secrets, and the emotions behind each dish from the kitchen to the guests.
Feuille is not a restaurant. It does not have a glamourous facade or artist- accentuated decors nor does it have gold or silver service ware a high end restaurant usually posseses. It is plain, rustic, and minimalistic. What makes it unique though is that we have no prejudice or pretensions when it comes to service and cooking. We strongly believe that details are the fundamental requirement to a beginning of a continuously refined and learning service standards. We further believe the only way to look after our guests in detail is to pair the service staff with only a small number of guests because each table is different; it has its own niche and unique habitat and that only an observant and meticulous server dedicated solely to his/her guests of that table can really understand and cater to each guest's needs. Instead of feuille being a culinary studio with seven tables, it is in fact seven little small dining rooms with their very own butlers and stewardesses.
The practicum of this ideology takes more than the like-minded group of professionals to pull it off. Devotions, committement, and perserverance are the very minimal requirements any potential candidate should undoubtedly possess as part of their personal traits.
Cover letter is your voice to us. A cover letter that is worth your time is also worth ours. Regardless of the degree of your education and background, tell us how you stand out from others and why you think you are a suitable candidate for feuille's potential positions and how you can be beneficial as part of feuille's team. Express yourself in the cover letter and support your claim with your resume and we will also let you hear from us.





